Workshop on 28.9.17 in Hannover
Time Program 11:00 Welcome 11:15 - 12:00 Maciej Liśkiewicz (Lübeck): Causal inference: computational complexity aspects and an algorithmic framework 12:00 - 13:30 Lunch 13:30 - 14:10 Rooholah Majdodin (Berlin): Parameterized Complexity of CSP for Infinite Constraint Languages 14:10 - 14:50 Sebastian Kuhnert (Berlin): Isomorphismen mit zusätzlichen Einschränkungen in FPT finden 14:50 - 15:30 Oleg Verbitsky (Berlin): On the First-Order Complexity of Induced Subgraph Isomorphism 15:30 - 16:00 Coffee-Break 16:00 - 16:40 Heribert Vollmer (Hannover): The Descriptive Complexity of Arithmetic Complexity Classes 16:40 - 17:20 Till Tantau (Lübeck): Eine einfache amortisierte Analyse der Union-Find-Datenstruktur -
Workshop on 4.11.24 in Hannover
Time Program 11:00 Welcome 11:15–11:35 Florian Chudigiewitsch (Lübeck): On the Descriptive Complexity of Vertex Deletion Problems 11:40–12:00 Kim-Manuel Klein (Lübeck): Faster Lattice Basis Computation via a Natural Generalization of the Euclidean Algorithm 12:30–14:00 Lunch at Gaststätte Kaiser 14:00–14:20 Benjamin Böhm (Jena): QBF Solving vs QBF proof systems. 14:25–14:45 Tim Hoffmann (Jena): Proof complexity of model counting. 14:50–15:10 Agnes Schleitzer (Jena): Computationally complex problems are hard for QBF resolution as well. 15:15–15:45 Coffee-Break 15:45–16:05 Dennis Breutigam (Lübeck): Differential Privacy and Partial Knowledge 16:10–16:30 Vivian Holzapfel (Hannover): Graph Neural Networks and Arithmetic Circuits 16:35–16:55 Nicolas Fröhlich (Hannover): Coherence in Quantifier-Free Dependence Logic 17:30–19:00 Joint Dinner at Meiers Lebenslust 20mins per talk + 5mins change / questions time